Artist’s Statement

Artist’s Statement

Written by Mohammad Ali Bhatti

Abstract painting is like a free jump. It's about not controlling your intuitive flow of thoughts and emotions. You never know where it will start or where it will end. It's a leap of faith and that feeling of doing something different is a favorite part of my creative process. Color, textures, as well as variable forms and shapes are my tools for creating dynamic compositions. I begin painting with random mark making. There is no pre-planned design or story in mind; thus, I enjoy the intuitive process of painting. Forms and lines appear and disappear in the composition creating energy. Emotions and a poetic approach with colors stimulate my internal exploration of the self. In the process of doing so, I acquire energy from my surroundings and instinctively explore feelings. The spontaneity of brush strokes, multiple layers, and textures develop an aesthetic vocabulary within the framework.

In my early career, I was trained as a portrait painter. While studying art at higher level a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Arts, I discovered how to cross the boundaries of a traditional style and began to explore visual sensibility in my painting beyond what I had practiced previously. In the process of doing so, I realized that the thought process goes beyond technique and skills to give the artwork a voice. I started putting emphasis on concepts and ideas which I believe are the metaphors of my subconscious. I found the power of experimentation and the acceptance of new challenges beyond what was already known by me. This led to my abstract work; my ultimate goal has been to create something interesting and meaningful for the spectator, while inviting the viewer to participate in the complexity of visual concert aesthetically, emotionally, and intellectually.